Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Last Week

Since last week, Maddy has gained 10 oz, been to the pediatricians again, made it through a game of Battlestar Gallactica with friends, met the generous friends who have brought us meals and company, and continued to be a very chill baby girl. Here are some of the moments we captured this week.

Chilling on Dad's lap in her onesie from aunt Nicole and uncle Ben.

Wrapped up like a little burrito (a baby burrito) in her pack n play

On our way to the pediatrician's office on Friday (clean bill of health and LOTS of weight gained - woohoo!)

Some tummy time with mom.

Daddy posing Maddy for some pictures =)

Her favorite napping chair from the Maos. She LOVES this chair.

I think she was about to stretch, but this picture cracks me up!

Woke up on Sunday to find her beanie like this..haha! is SO hard ;)

Checking out the new world of toys and mobiles with the boppy pillow play area.

Bath time on Sunday night.

More play time

Sleepy sleep time

Chilling on her tummy

CRAZY hair after Dad gave her a bath on Tuesday night.

I love this picture. =)

And this one is funny since it happened literally two seconds after the previous one!

Chilling with Mom on Wednesday morning -just checking each other out.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Our first bath, doctor's visit and skype with Oma and Opa

People from the church are coming by to bring us meals over the next couple of weeks - which we are incredibly grateful for! Tonight, our dear friends the Lockes - Kathy, Jeff, Jonas, and little Penny - brought us a meal consisting of a delicious squash and chicken soup. YUMM!
Jonas checking out our bunny. Jonas is a both excited to see the rabbit and scared of it..resulting in this incredibly cute dance of "hello bunny" poking his fingers in the cage to shrieking and running away
Jeff, Jonas, me and Maddy - thank you for the delicious meal and care Lockes =)

Talking to Oma and Opa in Wisconsin via Skype. We took a little while to figure out how it all worked and Maddy was REALLY hungry, so we had to try to stave off hunger with her binkie. It worked for a little while, but then it was FOOD TIME!
Tummy time on the quilt from Granny and Oma =)
Family picture before Joe came over to hang out.
Using out new stroller and the car to see Dr Simons for our first pediatrician's visit. Dr. Simons is AMAZING due to many factors, one of which is his office decor (according to Dan haha) which includes an electric train running around the top of the reception area.
First sponge bath...accompanied with the sound of spilling water off the side of the table..oh wait..that was Maddy peeing.
All clean =)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our first day out as a family =)

Today we decided to take an outing..just to blow the stink off and get out of the house. Dan's been really good about making sure that we all are keeping active. So, today we made the trip across the park and up to Haight Ashbury so that we could go to the music store for some Simon and Garfukle tunes for the piano and some art supplies from the craft store. We used this Moby wrap that I bought so that we didn't have to stroll her around the somewhat crowded street and gave Dan the closest sensation he will have to being pregnant. Maddie was content the whole time, just taking things in and remaining super chill. It's beautiful here in the city, so the sun shone and we were able to see the Blue Angels flying overhead while we walked around the park and up to the stores. We ended the outing by heading to our corner coffee shop for some chai before heading home.

As I am sure these pictures show, Maddie is just the apple of her daddy's eye..he has completely fallen in love with her and is all to happy to play the piano for her, watch her sleep, or hold her throughout the day. =) We both can not help but keep thinking about how adorable she is and are so thankful that we both have time to spend getting to know her and each other even better. It's SO NICE that Dan has about 4.5weeks off now and shortly thereafter we'll be heading to the east coast to see all of our family for a month! We can't wait! Although we are so glad to be here surrounded by such a wonderful community, we are certainly sad that we can not be with family in person to share our moments of "oh my goodness, can you believe she was just two cells 9 months ago" and "wow, look what she just did" etc etc, not to mention just letting her be held by people who already love her so much. We were talking about that today and reflecting on how thankful we are that we have families who are already so very invested in our little girl...we just can't wait to let her meet you all!

Of course, it must be mentioned that before we could even get out of the house, we had to spend a good 20 minutes chasing bun bun around. Normally, he's pretty good about getting into his cage all on his own, but we think he knows he's not the center of cuteness attention anymore (not to mention that we just terrorized him with a neutering a couple weeks ago) and he's becoming rather defiant. Oh well, he's a teenager with a someone stealing his limelight...he'll just have to deal with it!
Thank you to Oma and Opa for the beautiful flowers! We're so excited to see you in a few weeks!! AHHHH!YAY!=D

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Madelyn Erika Ludwinski

Welcome beautiful little girl!
Born: 1:02 pm on Thursday, 10/7/2010
Weight: 6 lbs 12 oz
Height: 19.5 inches

Story to come shortly!